Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things Somebody Else Should Do Before I Die

This blog is meant as a simple way to publicly document ideas I have that I will never get around to pursuing.

I have been sort of an intellectual wanderer throughout my life and have a fairly steady flow of ideas which I think are moderately interesting. Not all of them are ready for prime time, or even viable. But I think I have enough decent ideas to just start blogging them so that others can take them, think them over and possibly pursue them in some way.

Basically I have come to accept that life is short and that I will generate more ideas in my life than I have any hope of pursuing. So I am faced with either doing something like this or taking these ides to my grave.

So here then is my blog. These ideas are free for the taking. My only request is that if you use one of them, you let me know.

PS: If you see any of these ideas already implemented or discussed somewhere else, give me a shout.

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